We get by with a little help from our friends!
We are gifted people and circumstances in our lives to help us. Sometimes they feel helpful, other times they feel more like a challenge! I’ve been gifted an absolute angel on earth kind of person to help me through a challenging circumstance – that’s a double blessing 🙂
Many of you know my dad has Alzheimer’s (a type of dementia). I moved he & my mom here so I can caretake for them both (the challenging circumstance).
I’m grateful to have this time and closeness with them, and it’s a lot – managing their healthcare, household, transportation, etc, as well as my business and a teenager. I use all my yoga training to regulate myself, and some days it doesn’t work – I’m not very nice. (I usually just need a nap, a snack or a timeout, ha!) I forgive myself, apologize to those I snapped on, and keep going.
I know this is an opportunity to cultivate compassion, patience and unconditional love – for myself as much as for my family!
The angel I was introduced to – thank you Stefi!! – to help me navigate this new life twist is Dr. Anna Fisher, a dementia educator with Hillcrest.
Dr. Anna quit her job at Union Pacific Railroad to become a nurse and doctor after her dad was diagnosed with dementia. She’s passionately dedicated to helping families understand this disease and navigate life with it.
She has been a lifeline for me. One I intend to pass along to many who need education, direction, clarity, encouragement and validation.
I also want to give a massive thank you to my friends, family and yoga community who talk me off the ledge, offer a hug, say what I need to hear (whether I want to hear it or not) and challenge me to both push on and to rest! I am so incredibly grateful to be surrounded by such kind, honest, encouraging and silly souls.
I feel so loved! You all make it possible for me to serve as a mom, daughter, friend, mindset coach, yoga teacher and business owner. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU all!
Give help. Ask for help. Accept help. Rinse and repeat.
We were meant to be in community… serving, encouraging and loving each other.
Sometimes that’s easy, breezy. Sometimes it’s challenging.
We can do both the easy and the hard!
Anyone wanting some insight on dementia and it’s cascade of life effects, reach out.
I’m happy to share more about my journey, 402-885-8855.
Dr. Anna can be reached at 402-682-4800.
Much love,
Owner, Omaha Power Yoga